Wednesday 2 September 2015

Music : "Something to do" or "Something you do?"

Is music 'something to do' or 'something you do?' 

Pause for a moment and think about it before you read on...

To grapple with this question is both important and thought provoking; and to approach an answer will shed some light on the state of modern society and the health your own artistic pursuits. I used the word 'grapple' because it suggest a struggling or wrestling with the idea instead of a passive pondering approach, and because it rhymes with 'apple.'

An apple is a thing known for it's colour, flavour, texture, and health benefits. It's red, sweet, juicy and good for you: it's what an apple is. So when I think about the question above, my mind tends to leans toward the basic characteristics of 'who I am' (central or focalinstead of 'what I do'  (peripheral or subsidiary). 

Let's move on...

When music is 'something you do', it becomes a part of your identity and tends to grow in concert with the rest of your character, soul and natural creativity. When music is 'something to do', it's like fashionable clothing: in style one day, out the next, and something very much superficial.

What does this mean?...

If you want to play music and enjoy fulfillment in the journey like the great players you hear on your favourite albums you have to let the music become a part of 'who you are' and letting it sink deep into your soul. It's about developing taste and a hunger for the practicing, studying and playing of your guitar by making it part of your everyday experience of living, and knowing that by doing so, it will build a more whole and healthy person.

"Music is a moral law. it gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything" Quote: Plato

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