Tuesday 13 October 2015

10 top new-guitarists to listen to...

As classic rock guitar playing loses it's pre-eminence in our contemporary music scene to synthesized radio-musicola, sloppy folk, and endless inane and whiney vocal music, our general connection with the next generation of inspiring guitarists seems to fades into a faint pulse. It's not that we can't see the forest for the tress, it's that all that once was forest is now paved over by a great grey mass of unimaginative music seeking only an audience of teenaged girls and depressed and disillusioned young adults.

Let's just plainly say it, "Rock and Roll is not dead: it's just plain inconvenient, and modern society worships convenience. Rock music is richer, more complex. diversified, and is not passive music like today's radio pop. As adults we can pass along the richness of this music to our children and as children we can develop taste for classic rock that will make modern pop unlistenable.

Here's a list of some great new and semi-new guitarist (in no specific order) to inspire and get you back on track with the instrument that has really defined modern music since Elvis and the Beatles to the present.

1. Simon McBride - blues/rock
2. Joe Bonamassa - modern blues
3. Guthrie Govan - fusion/rock
4. Eric Gales - blues/rock
6. Oz Noy - Jazz/blues/funk
7. Jack White - alternative
8. J.D. Simo - blues/rock
9. Michael Gungor - alternative
10. Derek Trucks - rock/blues/slide

Don't waste you time on fast-food music when great players
and great music can easily be found.

“Popular culture is a place where pity is called compassion, flattery is called love, propaganda is called knowledge, tension is called peace, gossip is called news, and auto-tune is called singing.” 
― Criss JamiKillosophy

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